Category: AI

  • A Security focused AI Centre for Norway: What could it do?

    This is a high level overview of the NORA SIG event hosted by Simula on 9th April at their office in Oslo. The Security in AI event hosted by Simula showcased a series of insightful talks addressing the multifaceted challenges and opportunities at the intersection of AI, security, and law. This summary consolidates key ideas…

  • Will tools like DALL.E extend capabilities of Artists like what computer programs did for Chess players?

    Will tools like DALL.E extend capabilities of Artists like what computer programs did for Chess players?

    I have recently been playing around with DALL.E. I happen to mention this to someone who is in the process of making an oil painting. As, I knew that he is a graphic designer as well. I wondered if he knew about DALL.E and possible impact on his work. I showed to him some images…

  • Generating a cover for this website using DALL-E 2

    I have recently got access to OpenAI DALL-E2 and was wondering if I were to generate an image which can justify the tag line of this website. The tag line is : ´Emerging Tech: A view into near future´. Here is the resulting image Let me know what are your views on this AI generated…

  • Experiencing the Varjo XR3 headset at their Oslo Office

    Experiencing the Varjo XR3 headset at their Oslo Office

    I recently had the opportunity of experiencing the Varjo XR3 headset in a more relaxed setting at their Oslo office. First time I tried the headset was in London and I could not fully appreciate the capabilities. I am now increasingly convinced that headset like Varjo fill the gap for business workflows which consumer headset…

  • Can the new Image generating AI models teach us a new language?

    Can the new Image generating AI models teach us a new language?

    We have recently seen two major announcements on the new class of Image generating AI models which can take natural language prompts / triggers and generate fascinating images. The first one is DALLE2 from OpenAI and the second one from Google called as Imagen. When the entry barrier to generate amazing images is lowered down…

  • Possible opportunities in XR space in the Nordics

    Possible opportunities in XR space in the Nordics

    I recently started paying attention to the VR ecosystem in Finland, Sweden, Norway and Denmark and would like to share some opinions on the possible opportunities that may exist in this space. My knowledge is limited but the possibilities are not :). Please feel free to share with me if you know more opportunities in…

  • Can VR+AI help us encode objective beauty in an Artwork?

    Can VR+AI help us encode objective beauty in an Artwork?

    The role metaverse can play in accelerating memetic innovation and cultural evolution “The most powerful drive in the ascent of man is his pleasure in his own skill. He loves to do what he does well and, having done it well, he loves to do it better. You see it in his science. You see…

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