Category: FutureJobs

  • A Security focused AI Centre for Norway: What could it do?

    This is a high level overview of the NORA SIG event hosted by Simula on 9th April at their office in Oslo. The Security in AI event hosted by Simula showcased a series of insightful talks addressing the multifaceted challenges and opportunities at the intersection of AI, security, and law. This summary consolidates key ideas…

  • Possible opportunities in XR space in the Nordics

    Possible opportunities in XR space in the Nordics

    I recently started paying attention to the VR ecosystem in Finland, Sweden, Norway and Denmark and would like to share some opinions on the possible opportunities that may exist in this space. My knowledge is limited but the possibilities are not :). Please feel free to share with me if you know more opportunities in…

  • Oslo City: How it may look in 2035

    Oslo City: How it may look in 2035

    This story is written in 2035 remembering decisions that were made by the Oslo City team in 2021. This is an imaginary story inspired by some recent events. Looking back at 2020: The year we started to look for change 15 years ago (in 2020), the big tech companies were dominating the Internet and there was…

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